Heart of Gran Paradiso National Park

Cogne - Residence Pavou **

Authentic mountain hospitality

The Pavou aparthotel is a modern building in Epinel, just 3 km from Cogne, and is located on the outskirts of Gran Paradiso National Park and on the cross-country trails. The one and two room apartments are equipped with every comfort: kitchenette, telephone, television, en suite and balcony. Family management is what mountain hospitality is all about, there may be a lack of ceremony, but service is genuine and friendly.

Where we are in Cogne

Contact details

Web: www.pavouresidence.it
Mail: pavou@tiscali.it
Telephone: +39 347 9244858
Fax: +39 0165 749488
Frazione Epinel, 19
11012 Cogne (AO) - Aosta Valley


Check availability and book

Photo Gallery of Pavou Residence

Residence Pavou in Cogne in summer

Residence Pavou in Cogne in winter

Inside the Residence Pavou in Cogne

Interno del Residence Pavou a Cogne

Interno del Residence Pavou a Cogne

Val di Cogne
Tourism Operators Consortium

Rue Bourgeois, 33 - 11012 Cogne (AO)
Aosta Valley - Italy - PI / CF 01065870071
info@cogneturismo.it - Tel. +39 0165 74835

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